Impact Consulting

While we offer a wide array of services, we are experts at helping you leverage your time, reach more people and engage them at a higher level, build effective communities, and network the networks. In short, we help AMPLIFY your message, impact, and legacy.

E2000 Consulting
Strategic Planning
Communication Solutions
Community Building
Power Networking
Dream Scapting

IMPACT Consulting

  • Simple strategies to leverage your TIME 
  • POWER Networking: Networking the networks
  • Formation of Strategic Alliances
  • Strategic planning

CREATIVE SOLUTIONS for Marketing and Communication

  • Turnkey webinar marketing solutions
  • Developing webinar marketing strategies
  • Online training programs and program launches
  • Webinar hosting and facilitation
  • Assembling and facilitating high performance dream teams (mastermind groups)
  • COMMUNITY BUILDING with highly engaged participants


Combining our coaching, webinar marketing, and power networking produces some amazing results. Here is a good example.

John and Cherie Norquay agreed to invest in eight weeks of Master’s Mind Coaching plus one webinar.

At the start of my coaching, John was managing $10 million in retirement investments and had 100 clients after being in business for 10 years. That meant he was averaging about 10 new clients per year.

After three weeks of my coaching, John did a presentation for 15 people and closed the deals on 11 of those. Hence, in just 3 weeks, John  picked up as many new clients as we was averaging per year. That is acceleration and has a compounding effect.

After we hosted John for his very first webinar, several huge doors opened, including the opportunity for John to meet with a company with $60 million in 401k’s and another with $500 million. That was a tremendous increase in business and from very little extra effort. The good fruit came from a divine strategy and increased favor from God.

John and Cherrie Norquay

Here are some of key points John and Cherie shared during their debrief at the end of the consultation. You can listen to their audio testimony by clicking the play button to the right. Enjoy!

  • It is amazing how much my eyes have been opened since meeting you Joseph!
  • Journaling actually ORGANIZED MY THOUGHTS.
  • The Master’s Mind Coaching made me realize that I have a lot of expertise in the financial area rather than just the business that I am working.
  • The webinars can go directly to the bottom line as far as clients are concerned and getting your message to more people quickly. And a lot of people have been waiting for that message! Webinars are THE KEY to getting the word out quickly because you know so many people,
  • Joseph, that’s your entire mantra, being a CONNECTOR.
E-Learning: Why go virtual?
E-Learning: Why go virtual?