Empower 2000 has been hosting daily prayer calls in the Spirit on Zoom for about three years.
The group prayer call this morning (Thurs, Jan 2, 2025) was one of my favorite ones because what happened was fascinating.
Yesterday while talking to my new Administrative Assistant, I was led to discuss communion and how using the word “elements” to refer to the bread and wine bothered me and showed a lack of understanding of the power of the gift Jesus left us.
At the start of today’s group prayer call, Inger Nordin (from Norway) did a wonderful introduction. Then she played this beautiful song:
Next, Maureen Carruthers led us taking communion. Maureen read a beautiful excerpt about communion written by Brenda Kunneman.
That led me to search for that book or article. In doing that, I came across an outstanding article written by Hank and Brenda Kunneman titled “The Power of the Communion Meal.” Here are some things that stood out for me from that article:
- The Last Supper it seems was designed to empower the disciples to overcome the challenges they faced as they walked with Jesus during the crucifixion.
- Something supernatural takes place through Communion. I am not advocating the doctrine of Transubstantiation here, but what I am saying is that the Communion meal is more than just symbolism.
- I believe that communion and water baptism alike were not designed to be just symbolic acts, but something we participate in that is filled with anointing and power. For example, laying hands on the sick or anointing with oil, are far more than symbolic acts. When we lay hands on the sick, we expect supernatural results.
- Notice in 1 Corinthians 11:24, that Jesus used the phrase, “this is my body”. He did not say this represents my body. I believe that is because He was trying to show us that when we receive the Lord’s Supper, we are to receive Him by faith—not just some bread and wine, but rather His body and His blood! In receiving the Lord’s Supper, we are in fact receiving the very anointing of the Lord.
- Notice also in Acts 2:42-47, that these early Christians were ordinary people and the Bible didn’t put any stipulations on how often they were “allowed” to receive the Lord’s Supper, nor was there any indication that the meal had to be administered by the pastor.
- Today, whether Christian or secular, everyone is talking about health and how to preserve your life. Keep in mind, we should take care of our bodies and eat right especially since we are the temple of God. While healthy lifestyles are important, many are ignoring one of the most important ways to bring health and longevity – the Lord’s Table.
- In a day of plagues, diseases and poisons connected to much of what we eat, God has not left us without hope or solution. When we receive of the Lord’s Table, we bring health, longevity, and wholeness to our lives from a piece of bread, known as the Lord’s Supper.
- Communion is the greatest thing you can receive. It will affect you spirit, soul, and body and bring health and longevity to you, just as it did with the widow, the children of Israel (manna) and even how it empowered the early church.
- Sometimes we eat things that may at times be harmful, (often unknowingly) but the communion meal has in it the eternal life of God. When it enters the “pot” of our life, like the meal, it drives out poisons, impurities, sin, sickness and even death—spiritually and naturally speaking.
- Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 11, that people are weak, sick and sleep because they fail to discern the Lord’s body. We can fail to discern the Lord’s body in several ways. First, we fail to do so by living with unrepented sin and still think it is acceptable to take communion. Secondly, we fail to discern the Lord’s body by disrespecting and showing little concern for our brothers and sisters in the Lord—for they are His body. However, I want to present to you another way we often fail to discern His body that perhaps you did not consider. We also fail to discern the body of the Lord because we treat it as something symbolic rather than have faith in His healing, delivering power that is present every time we receive His supper.
I encourage you to visit the link above to read the entire article by Hank and Brenda Kunneman.
May the LORD bless us with understanding of the true meaning and significance of communion!
Joseph Peck, M.D.
Founder and President of Empower 2000
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